2019(e)ko otsailaren 28(a), osteguna


We had to do a video about the human right for a contest, we were four teams in class and each one of us did one video, then we chose the one that we were going to present for the contest. Doing the video we had a lot of problems: our idea was not good enough, we had not time to do the shooting as good as we wanted and the story is difficult to understand. I think that if we would have more time we would do it much better.


29. Responsibility: We have duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.

2019(e)ko otsailaren 21(a), osteguna


Resultado de imagen de audio visualWe are starting the third and last term in audio-visual culture. We are going to work on music and podcast, internet and the social networking and advertisment and marketing. When we started with this blog and the subject I though I would really like the subject, but now I see that my expectations were so high and even if I like the work we do I don´t like how we work on it. Looking at the work completed so far, I think I have given it my best shot even if at times the work wasn´t that appealing.

2019(e)ko otsailaren 7(a), osteguna


We have done a video song about Let her go, a song made in 2012 by Passenger, a british singer. The song talks about love.

2019(e)ko otsailaren 6(a), asteazkena


We have to do a preparation for a film about youngsters and fish. Some young friend will in the sofa when they are hungry, then they go to the kitchen but there is only krissia in the fridge so they chose to do something new with it and then they do the product we proposed for the krissia challenge.

2019(e)ko otsailaren 4(a), astelehena


Here I let you the heritage video finished,


-A supernatural entitie that is caussing everyone who looks at them commit suicide.
-A woman with two children have to survive to the apocalypse
-Finally the will find a safe place to live

YOU: a pregnant woman (she will have children during the film)
NEED: she doesn´t want the apocalypse to arrive to the country
GO: finally the supernatural entites arrive to the country
NEED: she wants to be save
GO: she spends two years finding a save place with the children
FIND: find a save place
TAKE: they have lost the rest of their family
RETURN: they get new friends and family

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This is a film directed by Susanne Bier and based on a novel by Josh Malerman. It  is a 2018 movie produced by Netflix. It is 124min long, 2h 4min, with a budget of $19.8 million. The main character is Malorie, interpreted by Sandra Bullock, everything starts when she is pregnant and some supernatural entities start to spread all around the world and causse everyone who looks at them commit suicide. Then she is on the car with her sister when everyone, including her sister becomes crazy and start to commit suicide. Then, scared, she goes into a house where will be surviving with more people, between then another pregnant woman. Both of them will have their child and they will promess to protect both cildren in case of something happen to any of them. Most of them die during the film. Then there is a jump in to and Malorie appears in a forest next to river with the children and some birds in a box, that can notice the entities. Finally they discover a blind house, which is self-sufficient and where they can live. As the apocalypse makes you commit suiccide when you look at it it doesn´t affect to the blind people that is living now happy and all together.

The shoting is not expeciall, is just at the same camera leve as the rest films made nowadays. However the cuality of the shooting of the camera is good, it helps the tension reaching the audience better. Personally I liked the film but not really a lot, I mean is entertaining and you don´t get bored but the idea of the plot and the apocalypse is not so appealing to me, but I recommend the film to espectator that like this type of post-apocalyptic thriller films.

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