2018(e)ko urriaren 8(a), astelehena


We have worked on photography, we saw some videos with tips and we have to take some pictures whit different tips. This are my pictures:










2018(e)ko urriaren 4(a), osteguna



Has lettering any importance in our life? Maybe not a lot, but it has, because a good lettering can change your decisions, for example if you  are walking on the street and you see a shop with a good lettering, that drow your attention, you choose to go on to the shop, so that lettering has changed your plans. Lettering usually has an effect in all of us. In class we have been talking about it, and we have to take pictures of letterings that we like.

 I´ve choosen this lettering, which is from a cream, because I really like it and I think the full desing looks so cool.

This other lettering is of Oxford, I´ve choosen it, becuase I think a good lettering has to be recognizable and I think it is. 

This is my last lettering, I chose it just because I like it´s lettering and colors.

Resultado de imagen de euskaraz bizi nahi dut argazkiak

2018(e)ko urriaren 2(a), asteartea


A mass media is an instrument to diffusing something to a lot of  people. 

Today I´m talking about three mass media, which I use every day. Starting in the morning, when I wake up I listen the radio, usually while I have breakfast. We listen to Los 40, because they put music and speak, I mean there are other radio channels that only speak or that only put music all the time and in my opinion that´s boring. So we listen Los 40 because we listen some funny new and music.

I also see TV, nowadays people see less TV than some years ago. But I steel watching TV as always. In house our favorite channel is etb, a basque TV channel, we always see the news there, but we also see other channels like Antena 3 or La Sexta.

 Finally the newspapers, we don´t buy any of then, nowadays people prefer to reed the news on mobile phone, personally I don´t read the news, I enjoy more been on Instagram or Snapchat, both are social networks. With Instagram you picture and all your follower can see them and with snapchat you chose which people you send your pictures to. 

By mass media we can listen or read the news, but sometimes that news are not true, so they are fake news. We have been also talking about fake news, and in my opinion people share fake news to harm the image of someone famous and to win likes and money. But a fake new can be also a missunderstanding, because because talk a lot and change the think as much as sometimes they can became a fake new.


We have done a presentation of a European capital, I have chosen Firenze because I think a very beautiful city andhas also a lot of cultural...