This poster is the one which Ciudadanos used for the general elections. We can see Albert Rivera, the president of the political party, in the middle of the poster with their slogan (¡Vamos! Ciudadanos) written in big letter. In the backgruond we can see spanish flags and orange flags (the color of the party).
With their slogan I think they wanted to call the people to vote in the elections, to vote them. Saying "¡Vamos!" I think they are saying that they can win, because some people thinks that voting Ciudadanos is not usefull because PP has been the winning party for lost of years. Personally, from a marketing point of view, I don´t like the slogan because I think is so general, is not directed to a concret votant.
The polls said that Ciudadanos was going to win 46 seats, 14 more than in the previous ones. The polls were so near of the reality, Ciudadanos won 57 seats, only 11 more than the predicted, winning 25 more seats than in the previous elections.
In conclusion, Cidadanos wanted to move the votes from the right with their slogan and poster, and they got their objective (not at all, because they didn´t win) winning the double of votes than in previous elections.
In PP´s poster we can see Pablo Casado, the presindent pf the party, smiling in one side next to their slogan," Valor Seguro", written in blue letters, because that is the color of the party.
With "Valor seguro" I think they have a double message. In one side I think they are saying that they are the only right party that can win and avoid a left gobernment, and in the other side they are saying that they are going to comply every promess they have done during the political campaing.
The polls announced that PP was going to loss votes in comparation with the last elections, they announced they were going to win 78 seats, even if they said the party was going to loss votes they lost more than the expected, winning only 66 seats, 71 less than in previous elections and 12 less than the predicted.
In conclusion, PP wanted to mantein the votes they had and to win more, but they failed lossing a lot of seats and having one of their worst results in lots of years.
In this poster we can see the face of Pedro Sanchez, the president of the party, in black and white next to their slogan, "Haz que pase" written in red, the colour of the party.
With "Haz que pase" I think thye were saying to left votants that they had to vote him because he is the only possibility of a left party winning and avoiding Ciudadanos and PP form a right goberment whith the ultra right Vox.
The polls announced PSOE was going to win the elections with 129 seats, they hit with their prediction because PSOE won the election only with 6 seats less than the predicted. They won 123 seats, 38 more than in previous elections.
In conclusion Pedro Sanchez called the people from the center to move to the left and to the left ones to vote for PSOE, winning with this strategy and with 123 seats the general elections.
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